CyberLink to provide edge facial biometrics to businesses with two new...
CyberLink will integrate its FaceMe Security biometric facial recognition with leading server solutions provider ASA Computers’ technology under a newly-formed partnership,...
View ArticleCOVID-19’s not-so-strange biometrics bedfellows in Eurasia
COVID-19 appears to be accelerating the warming of relations between the world’s biggest authoritarian nations, Russia and China. The practical...
View ArticleBiometrics providers among Chinese companies added to U.S. Entity List for...
Biometrics firms are again prominent among new companies based in China added to the U.S. Government’s Entity List, restricting their...
View ArticleChinese government and biometrics suppliers respond to U.S. Entity List...
State publication China Daily reports expert opinion that the addition of 33 new companies, including five biometrics providers, to the U.S....
View ArticleIndependent committee review of facial biometrics for UK government calls for...
The UK government’s independent expert committee on AI and data-driven technology says it expects an appropriate degree of transparency from...
View ArticleVsblty facial recognition technology in connected digital signs collects fan...
In partnership with entertainment, sports and fashion leader IMG, Vsblty organized a biometrics-based audience study at the 106th Rose Bowl Game...
View ArticleEvolving tech and politics team up to make real-time face recognition attractive
Multiple publications are reporting on the rush to sell software, hardware and services related to real-time surveillance using facial biometrics....
View ArticleHikvision biometrics secure real estate developments in emirate of Ajman
Real estate developer AQAAR has chosen to implement Hikvision’s facial recognition and other AI technologies to secure construction in the...
View ArticleSECON 2020
SECON 2020 Korea July 6-8, 2020 Celebrating its 20th anniversary, SECON 2020 (International Security Exhibition and Conference) is the most...
View ArticleIBM pulls face biometrics and questions their use by law enforcement in...
IBM is mostly exiting the biometric facial recognition business, pulling its general purpose recognition and analysis software from the market and...
View ArticleProposal would ban warrantless facial biometrics on U.S. police body cameras,...
Among the changes proposed in The Justice in Policing Act recently unveiled by House Democrats in the U.S. is a ban...
View ArticlePanasonic i-PRO introduces automated video identity redaction solution
Panasonic Public Safety Solutions Division, part of Panasonic i-PRO Sensing Solutions, is now offering an identity redaction tool which automates...
View ArticleAmazon pauses sale of facial biometrics to police while advocates push...
Amazon has put a one-year moratorium on direct sales of its biometric facial recognition service to law enforcement to allow for...
View ArticleUN sets signposts at good digital ID and ethical use of facial recognition on...
Universal digital identity must be “good” and legislation and safeguards must govern facial biometrics to benefit from the technologies without...
View ArticleDataWorks face biometrics police contract extension on hold as Detroit...
Earlier this week, Detroit residents started a caravan of 40 vehicles to protest against Project Green Light, which sees biometric...
View ArticleAmnesty pushes for ban on facial recognition use for mass surveillance by...
Amnesty International is supporting the Algorithmic Justice League, the ACLU, the Electronic Frontier Foundation in their fight against biometric facial recognition technology use for...
View ArticleNTechLab to supply biometric facial recognition to over 43,000 Russian schools
Biometric facial recognition-equipped cameras will be installed in over 43,000 Russian schools, writes The Moscow Times based on reports by...
View ArticleFacial recognition to play key role in travel reopening as biometrics...
The top biometrics and digital ID stories of the week on Biometric Update focus on the use of advanced technologies,...
View ArticleLegislation would block police from using facial recognition with body cam...
The newly introduced Stop Biometric Surveillance by Law Enforcement Act would ban federal law enforcement agencies from using facial recognition...
View ArticleWill smart cities in Belt and Road Initiative bring Xinjiang-style facial...
Much of the digital security apparatus operated in Xinjiang by China’s government, including biometric facial recognition, is making its way...
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