Qatar equips 15,000 cameras with facial recognition for soccer World Cup 2022
FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar will be held at 8 stadiums and watched by millions of fans, along with 15,000 CCTV cameras hooked up to facial recognition systems. The international soccer tournament...
View ArticleScylla
Scylla processes video stream content to develop meaningful insights about the activity and objects, verifying suspicious content in real-time through... The post Scylla first appeared on Biometric...
View ArticleFace biometrics deployed for everything from supermarket payments to World...
Face biometrics deployments spanning identity verification, small-n searches and large-scale forensic investigation, and even live facial recognition dominate the most-read articles of the week on...
View ArticleMore schools think they see an answer to mass murders in biometric surveillance
Biometrics scanning is the newest technology employed in U.S. primary and secondary schools to prevent children from murdering others with guns. Unable to change the prevailing gun-on-every-hip...
View ArticleCanadian academic report urges no facial recognition at legislature, reasons...
Canada’s Parliamentary Protective Service is thinking about deploying face biometrics around the country’s legislature. As part of that process, the organization commissioned a report titled, ‘Face...
View ArticleThere’s money in delivery vehicle biometric systems; not all drivers OK with...
Some professional drivers are reacting with dismay to employers who, unable to physically watch their workers from every passenger seat, install unblinking, dashboard-mounted biometric surveillance...
View ArticleRecFaces supports face biometrics expansion with new training center in Dubai
Facial recognition vendor RecFaces is opening a new training center next month in Dubai, where the company is based. The facility will showcase RecFaces' biometric security and surveillance products,...
View ArticleTotm wins $4.9M contract for face biometrics security with Indonesian agency
Totm Technologies is supplying biometric solutions to an Indonesian law enforcement agency under a US$4.9 million contract, together with its subsidiary. A facial recognition and surveillance system...
View ArticleSome schools still see a good tradeoff when looking at biometrics
Little has changed in the debate whether to use biometrics in schools. Some communities continue to reject them while others see a good investment. Easily one of the more notable biometrics...
View ArticleFacial recognition surveillance systems sprouting rapidly across India’s...
A hefty analysis of government intentions regarding biometric surveillance in India indicates that the obsession for in-country intelligence is wafting over the Himalayas from Xinjiang, China. In...
View ArticlePakistan safe city project stalls with nearly 1K facial recognition cameras...
Since it was rolled out in 2016, the Lahore safe city project in Punjab province has been facing major challenges, with the majority of the facial recognition cameras not in a fully-functional state....
View ArticleUN Human Rights Office warns biometrics and digital ID among surveillance...
Growing surveillance in public spaces is possible to an extent beyond all previously possibilities due to digital identity systems and biometric databases, along with the proliferation of large-scale...
View ArticleSan Francisco cops a step closer to formalized access to private surveillance...
A final vote is still forthcoming, but San Francisco, famous for beckoning people to travel there with flowers in their hair, is formalizing rules allowing police access to the live and historical...
View ArticleThe thing most people fear about facial recognition spreading from China
The dark side of facial recognition, long warned about by privacy and human rights advocates, is growing in starker relief. The latest controversy involves Iran, but China is exporting its...
View ArticleEU parliament majority now in favor of banning AI surveillance in public
Renew, the third largest group in the EU parliament, has joined the Greens and Socialists & Democrats groups in backing a ban on artificial intelligence (AI)-powered facial recognition in public...
View ArticleOosto offers advice on facial recognition implementations for stadium security
When violence occurs in stadiums and arenas, security staff are often not surprised by the identity of the perpetrators, but still have a difficult task in responding to incidents. Facial recognition...
View ArticleTwenty20 adds facial recognition capabilities to gunshot detection security...
Security service provider Twenty20 Solutions has partnered with service and sales operation Acoem USA to add active shooter location identification (ASLI) capabilities based on facial recognition to...
View ArticleBiometrics use by law enforcement criticized in three European countries
Europe continues to wrestle with privacy issues around the collection of sensitive biometric data by law enforcement. In France, Norway, and the UK, the introduction of new regulations and...
View ArticleInnovatrics adds web access to ABIS to enhance video processing speed for...
Innovatrics face in video search Multimodal biometrics solutions developer Innovatrics has announced that the video processing capabilities of its facial recognition tool for video surveillance have...
View ArticleSerbia lobbying Western support to carry on with smart city biometrics...
Serbian officials are reportedly negotiating financial and technical support for U.S. and Swedish smart city tech, drawing criticism from citizens and rights advocates. According to a report by...
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